Monday, June 21, 2010

forgetting frenzy

I consider myself a sharp person. I remember birthdays. I'm good with names and faces. I can name all the states and capitals, and don't get me started on celebrity trivia. But lately... something is happening to me. In the month of June alone, I've forgotten three big things. Like, WOW, how did I forget that? Is my "mommy-brain" catching up with me?

The first was a playgroup with our Church friends. I had been super excited about going to the zoo for playgroup this year (they always do it once a year!), since we have a membership! Yay! I knew the zoo playgroup date was coming up the week after Wesley's birthday. They are always Thursday at 10 am. And I totally forgot. You know what I did that morning? Vacuumed. I vacuumed the house instead of taking Wesley with his buddies to look at lions and tigers and bears. How lame.

The second, even worse (since I guess I can always go to the zoo), a friend came to town and wanted to have lunch with a bunch of us. This gal was just stopping through on her way to France and would only be here for a few days. She used to babysit Wesley. I love her! I completely forgot the lunch. I took Wesley to a speech therapy appointment, then we came home and had boring ham and cheese sandwiches and then I dealt with a cell phone crisis (which I may or may not ever post about). Gabby the cat also had her teeth cleaned. It was a weird day. But I usually don't forget lunch dates, no matter how weird the day!

Then, this morning was a funeral, which I wasn't planning on attending, and a birthday party, which I was planning on attending. I had said Saturday I'd make funeral potatoes for the luncheon for the family. I completely forgot until 20 minutes before I was going to leave the house for the birthday party. I whipped up the dish really quick (forgetting an ingredient even and pulling it out of the oven to add the ingredient and then fixing it back up nice and getting it back in the oven), dropped it off at Church, picked up a present for the birthday boy, and strolled into the party an hour late.

This is insanity. I'm not used to completely forgetting things. The sinking feeling in my heart when it hits me, "I forgot that!" is so heavy. Seriously like a ton of bricks, as the saying goes.

Am I losing my marbles? Does this come with old age? Am I really that old? Or do I need to be better about writing stuff on the wall calendar or gasp, putting an alarm in my phone? I'm not used to this happening to me. It's kinda freaky to be powerless to forgetfulness.


Danielle said...

This happens to me a lot. When I'm pregnant.

Rose said...

I echo what Danielle said! When I'm pregnant, my brain turns to mush and I forget things all the time.

Do you have an announcement to make? :)

I always tell people that if it's not on my calendar, it won't happen. It's pretty much the truth!

angelalois said...

nope, we're 100% not pregnant here, but thanks for playing ;-)

AND the day I posted this I forgot to go visiting teaching! I am a moron!! Last night I put everything for the next 3 months in my phone. Please heaven help me.

Tina - Ball Team Co-Captain said...

Seriously - my phone knows more about where I need to be and what I need to do than I do. Sad, but, it's my coping strategy.

momnmb said...

It's both age and busyness Angela. When life gets too busy and the world seems to be spinning out of control, that's when your brain says "enough!" You need to slow down, focus on the most important things and learn to say NO! (nicely) Seriously, don't be so hard on yourself. You are human you know! We all forget things. Stop running faster than you have strength (or memory.) :-)