Wednesday, April 9, 2008

quit beatin' yourself up!

The scene: Me. At my desk. Just after lunch.

The phone rings.

I pick up the phone, aiming to place it to my left ear, and somehow it hits me in my face instead. That's right, I hit myself in the face with my Mitel corporate telephone.

This morning there was some kind of bug bite on my right cheek, so I figured I'd bruise up my left cheek, too, to match.

And so, to learn from this, we reflect. How often do we unintentionally beat ourselves up? We think we can take on too many things, or dare I say, answer the phone at lightning speed? We just need to calm down.

I can certainly learn from this. I've outlined my calendar for this month and it is not pretty. Every Monday I have a childbirthing class (complete with the showing of gory films and subsequent relaxation on blue gymnastics pads). For the next two Tuesdays I have Enrichment at Church. On Wednesdays, and some Thursdays, I am working with the Young Women at Church or doing some things related to my learning how to work with the Young Women in a positive way. Add to all this my desire, nay, my NEED, to exercise; my two-hour round-trip daily commute; my inclination to make dinner for myself and my sweetie; and my bulging belly (and midnight heartburn attacks), and I think all can plainly see how I just need to remember not to metaphorically hit myself in the face with the phone.

May we all take time to relax. My husband so wisely encourages me often not to stress myself out, and if it comes that I need to pick and choose, I need to pick and choose. That's that.

Better run, rice is cooking on the stovetop! Happy April!


Daddio said...

You can help those midnight heartburn attacks by taking a 75mg ZANTAC pill.

If you happen to get a 150mg one by mistake, then break it in half. You don't want too much for mild heartburn.

You should let the Shanester do some of the cooking chores during the last couple of month. If I can do it, he certainly can!!

Chelle said...

Thank you - I needed that! Last night, I tried to cram so many things into one little evening. It left me feeling anxious and tired and questioning "why do I do this to myself!?" I give you kudos for keeping pace with such a crazy schedule; if I were pregnant, I think I would have just keeled over!

Marianne Hales Harding said...

Yep, that's just how I was feeling this week! Running around like crazy, late for everything and leaving everyone in my path unsatisfied (including myself). It helps to take a minute and realize that. :-)

So you are taking the 4 wk childbirth class, eh? We did the two Saturdays class and didn't go back for the second class. I felt like they were aiming for the group of prospective parents who weren't 100% sure how they got pregnant. Hopefully yours is better!