Wednesday, April 16, 2008

super fat

No, that title does not refer to me and my pregnant self. Thanks for thinking of me.

I just wanted to say Hi, and I'm Still Alive, and I'm Working on a Great Blog Entry about our vacation last weekend, but alas when you're super busy (see blog entry below), you never get the chance to finish those things you start sometimes. So the following is a short and sweet snippet of my week.

I am so so so mad at the cat food eating situation in this house. Gabby is a big fat cat who needs to be on a diet. We, let me rephrase, I am trying so hard to get this to work. She gets 1/2 cup of food daily, in three small increments. This is essential! Gabby has to eat as soon as she sees the sun, as soon as we get home from work, and as soon as we are preparing for bed, or else the world does not make sense in her little head.

Well yesterday, while we were at work, she found the unopened ginormous bag of cat food. The closet door, where it was stored, was mistakenly left open. She clawed and clawed and clawed until she hit the jackpot. That gluttonous cat gorged ALL DAY on cat food. When I found out, ooh I was so mad. GABBY! EXERCISE SOME SELF RESTRAINT! I don't even want to pet her I'm just so mad. I wish she knew, all we care about is her health, and I want her to be around for years and years. WHY does she do this to herself?

Then today, I get home from my activities, and learn she was annoying Shane to all ends and so he decided to heap a ginormous heapful of food in her bowl. This food was NOT part of her daily allotment. Again, I am red-faced mad! C'mon! PLEASE! I'd rather quarantine Gabby in the closet and have her claw the door in frustration and finally fall asleep then feed her more food I know she doesn't need.

So, there I am. A cat that won't give up and a husband that gives in. Only a miracle will get that cat down to 15 pounds. And that's just the short-term goal!

That's my week so far. I hope you aren't battling the bulge as well.


Daddio said...

Battle of the bulge is what it's all about. But to win at this battle, it takes a lot of restraint, and determination.

T minus 25 pounds and counting ....

Kurt said...

I've got battles of completely different kinds. Activities and the drama of teenagers. What a joy that I am a middle school teacher and then work with middle and high schoolers at church. I wonder if the Lord is trying to prepare me in advance for Kyler and his siblings when they are teenagers....... But hey, we grow the most when we pass through the refiner's fire.

Corey said...

Sounds like you cat need to hang out with ours for a while. "La Raya" I think is anorexic. She eats like a bird and I can fill her bowl heaping full and it'll last her all week. She seriously only eats about 5 pieces of cat food each time she goes into the bathroom. She's super tiny in stature too, both of my kids weighed more at birth than she does and she's now full grown at 4 years old. She's due for a check-up next month so I'm curious to see if there is anything wrong with her. So, I guess either way, fat or thin we are always worrying about something.

wandering nana said...

We have a dog that we have had the same problem with. I finally bought a plastic container to store her food in and then bought one for the cat too. I can give her 3 cups total a day (she is suppose to weigh 80 and was up to 90lbs). We have started to buy her light food and the Natural Health food from the pet store. She is doing better but is always right there when we eat anything. One thing that does help (like humans) I leave her a big bowl of water. It has helped her. Good luck.

Unknown said...

awww....poor cat and mommy. i thought that it was a pretty funny story because it shows so much of your cats personality.

Rose said...

Ah, yes, battle of the bulge. I've lost a few pounds since delivering, but I think that was pretty much baby weight and some water weight. I can't officially exercise until my 6-week checkup, and then it's on like Donkey Kong! :) Maybe you should have before and after pictures of your cats weight loss endeavors? That would be entertaining... you could even take a waist measurement for giggles! :)

momnmb said...

Just wait until the kids want something...... You think your cat is difficult? You aint seen nothin yet honey!