Tuesday, May 26, 2009


On May 26, 2008, my life changed.

Wesley Grant Gottula was born.

And today, he turns one.

He has brought my husband and I closer. He has taught us how to love. He has amazed us in more ways than we can count. We have been scared for his health and concerned about his happiness, we have shed tears over his pains, we have watched him grow with pride and wonderment. He has shown us pure joy. He is more than we could ever ask for.

I love this little man. I am so blessed to be his mother, to be able to watch him grow every day. Wow.

Our big birthday celebration was this past weekend. Wesley got his first stash of birthday loot and his first sugar rush. I made a "caterpillar cake" (as promised!), and we did the obligatory "naked baby cake fest." He wanted to eat the wrapping paper more than inspect the presents, and he was cautious about the cake until his cousin Ben helped things along. But in the end, it was a hilarious and most wonderful celebration.

I've told him Happy Birthday about 1,000 times today but I'm not sure he gets it, since today could never compare to Sunday! But I have a present or two saved, and he may get some more cake. "Dad" and I can keep the celebration going.

I am just... so humbled. I can't believe he belongs to me. I get to be with him for eternity. He is so happy and sweet and pure.

I can't wait to spend many more birthdays with you, my Wesley. You'll always be my baby!


Whimsy said...

Happy Birthday, cutie Wes-man!!! You have a fantastic mom and dad - now go eat some more CAKE!

Svedi Pie said...

I love it!! He is such a cutie - I love his bald little head. And that cake is super cute. What a great idea :D

Danielle said...

Yay for keeping him alive for an entire year! A true accomplishment. But seriously, it has been fun to read your adventures over the past year. This next year will be an interesting one. It seems like once they hit that one year mark, the independent-will really seems to come out.

Corey said...

Wow, this past year has flown by! It seems like the last time we had warm weather like this you were still pregnant and were were going on a walk after dinner together. Wesley is such a cutie! What fun photos of him with the bear! Great cake too!

Chelle said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, WESLEY!! It looks like a grand party and the caterpillar cake is absolutely fabulous! Nice work, Angela. :)

Heidi said...

Happy Birthday Wesley! Cute pictures Angela! I love his bald head too!

The Little Twining's said...

And he is MY Nephew! I'm so blessed!!!

Marianne Hales Harding said...

Oh my goodness, it has already been a year! Wild. Of course it has already been 6 months since my little girl entered the world. Time flies!!!