Monday, May 11, 2009

six months is only the beginning

Six months ago was my 28th birthday. My most expensive and marvelous gift was an elliptical machine. When I told many friends I was getting an elliptical machine and canceling my gym membership, most of them shrugged their shoulders and said, "well, if you're still using it in six months let me know," implying that they'd be surprised.

Well friends, it's been six months! And I used it this morning! I think I've mentioned my latest and greatest motivational tool is watching DVDs while I'm exercising. It's great. I can do an episode of The Office and its deleted scenes during a 30-minute workout; I can do an hour-long episode of something else in a 40-minute workout.

So, I feel like I WON, or something, and now everyone should be so amazed at my amazingness.

But yet... I haven't really won anything. Yes, I work out as often as I can, but I still feel like a slug most of the time, especially in the evenings after I've had ice cream or cake or Hershey's kisses or all of the above! This trying-to-be-more-healthy-and-lose-weight-and-feel-great thing is just so darn tough.

Here are some things I am trying:
  • Exercise 3 times a week (I'm working up to more)
  • Know the calories of everything I'm eating
  • Limit myself to just one treat a day -- or none at all! (easier said than done!!)
  • Get at least 5 fruits and veggies in
  • Log what I eat and my exercise on an online tracking tool
  • Work with a Mayo Clinic lifestyle coach (thanks Boeing!), and report back every couple weeks on how I'm doing
  • Set aside money and gift cards, so when I reach my goal I can go out and get some new clothes!
I just feel like my "recipe" is for success, but I'm not necessarily seeing success. Some days are better than others, and some days I achieve all of these things and some days I don't. It's just odd to realize this has to be a life-long thing; my struggles will be life-long. I wish it was easy! Temptations are everywhere.

I just look at my life -- and I think we can all do this -- and I can see these funny habits I've gotten into, little habits that are probably destroying everything I am working so hard to accomplish, without my even realizing it! I wonder if I just pinpointed a few of these "habits" (like licking the ice cream container or sneaking cookies before dinner) and eliminated them, maybe that would be enough to make the difference.

I think what it boils down to is the moment, the one instant where your mind and soul and heart and everything says "yes, I want that treat!," but you're able to SAY NO and stop yourself and make that conscious choice because you know you MUST. Every time, my mind says "oh it's just this once," but then in a whole week that's at least seven "just this onces" and, well, that's not really just once, is it? I think if I can start with just one moment, then the next will come easier. And the next after that, easier. And pretty soon, this life-long battle will not be so bad after all.

What do think? What do you guys do to be more healthy, stay in shape, lose weight, feel great, etc.? Any words of advice? What works in theory, versus what actually works?

(I had the stomach flu a month or so ago and that really worked!, but I don't necessarily think that's the best way to go about things. I'm just sayin'.)

So, I guess this post is a bit personal, but I just felt like getting it out there and seeing what you guys have to say. And hopefully, we can all keep up the good work, with whatever it is we're struggling with. And maybe one day, we'll all be able to say "I WIN." I'm looking forward to that.


Marianne Hales Harding said...

Well, recently I've been losing weight like crazy--my insane goal pants (haven't fit this size since before I was pregnant with Emily Lara, much less Maran!) are getting pretty baggy. I, too, don't recommend you try my diet which is to have a major life crisis and stop eating for several months. But, hey, whatever works. What I did notice when I started eating again, though, is that I used to eat a ton of snacky sweets (that box of hohos did NOT last very long at my house). When I stopped to think about it I found that it wasn't a fair trade-off. They did not give me the satisfaction they should have given me for all of the calories they were wasting. Also, I tried to remember that when you feel snacky you are often actually thirsty. And, believe it or not, drinking a glass of water fixed it. I don't do plain water, though. I get tired of that. Arrowhead has some really lovely lightly flavored sparkling water that I have recently taken up with. Good stuff.

Svedi Pie said...

I think it's just consistency (which is so hard). I recently lost 20 lbs over the last 6 months - it was slow going, but I think being consistent is what makes is a permanent weight loss.

Also I really liked this:

1. Your Diet Is a Bank Account. "Eating should be treated like a bank account - if one day you decide that you want to have chocolate cake for breakfast, you can, because there's no 'No,' but you need to account for it. If you spend in one place, you need to save in another."

2. The Differential. "In the differential, you can have turkey chili and meat chili. To me, the differential between the two isn't that big. I would just as soon have turkey chili as I would meat chili. But there's a huge differential for me between a piece of plain grilled chicken breast and a fatty piece of New York steak. Go for it when the differential is really great to you."

3. The Point of Diminishing Return. "For example, if you order fried calamari, you taste it, it's delicious, have another bite, dip it in the sauce, it's delicious, but then there's a point where it's as good as it's ever going to get. And that's when you stop."

4. Downsize. "We have unrealistic portions in this country and you can order an appetizer as your main course. No matter if you're eating broccoli or fried chicken - it's good to get into the habit of leaving a little."

found here (forgive me for reading trash sometimes:)

Kurt said...

I think part of it has to do with what you were talking about- the in the moment decisions. I remember giving up chocolate for like six months one time because I was convinced it would get rid of acne. I made the decision, I would do it for six months, and then I never had to worry about it again. Anytime that the temptation presented itself, I didn't have to worry if I would give in our not because I ALREADY DECIDED I WOULD NOT. There wasn't a question in my mind, I would just say 'I'm not eating chocolate.' Granted, if I wanted to permanently give up chocolate, I would really have to convince my mind that I would be able to live without it forever and it would be good for me (I couldn't do that at the time- I could convince myself to go six months without it, and I went a little longer, but eventually I decided to start eating it again). I went on the diet that mom and dad used for a while, but the problem I had was convincing myself that I NEEDED to diet. I really didn't have much need of losing weight, and I did loose weight while on the diet. But I didn't want to get new clothes because I am still wearing clothes that fit me in high school. So although Melani continued the diet for a few cycles, I only did it for one.

I think out of all of the Twinings I have the highest metabolism. I don't think it necessarily is that I eat the healthiest out of all of us, but for some reason my body burns off calories and fat quicker than the rest of us. This could be because I am a little more active, or it just could be that my metabolism is better for some reason. I am not looking forward to when it goes down and I really have to watch what I eat better.

Some of the rules that Marianne said are true- often if you're hungry you're more than likely just thirsty. I try to remember that when its the middle of the afternoon and I want some sweet or something. Another one I think is important- ONLY EAT WHEN YOU ARE HUNGRY. Often times we go to friends houses or we go to parties or get together and they have refreshments. We eat not necessarily because we are hungry but because there is food there. If you're not hungry, you don't need to eat.

I guess that's my two cents. Make the decision ahead of time and stick to it. Hope it helps.

Marianne Hales Harding said...

PS I also started eating Special K almost exclusively. Their claims may or may not be true but it certainly was better for my waistline than cheerios mixed with froot loops (heavy on the froot loops).

angelalois said...

thanks for all the good thoughts, friends. I really like the "law of diminishing returns," which is so true. You get to a point where if you keep eating that box of hohos, you feel BAD as opposed to being HAPPY about the sweetness. So it's so true, I just didn't realize it.