Saturday, December 26, 2009

i hope you never experience this, but if you do...

How did I spend my Christmas night?

Well, when a stick of Christmas chocolate Avon lip balm went through the washer and dryer in a load of whites, including a brand new cute Wesley outfit, I cried. A rewash did nothing.

The solution? Take every item of wet clothing, one by one, spray the baked-in chapstick stain with Zout (or any other grease stain removal agent), and scrub each and every stained spot with your fingernails until each and everyone one comes out. And they will. It just takes forever.

I decided I could live with the stains on the socks. Sigh.

There's your post-Christmas tip! But like I said... I hope it never happens to you.


Danielle said...

Jason is ALWAYS leaving things in his pockets and I don't always go through them thoroughly, so several times, I have accidentally washed pens with whites (pen in shirt pocket). It makes me a little sick when I see ALL those whites with blue splatters all over them.
When Nathan was little I accidentally dyed countless loads of baby boy clothes a light, dingy blue, also sad...
I HATE laundry. :)

Michelle said...

I hate when stuff like this happens! I've washed chap stick and a shirt I had borrowed from someone was in the load. It's so frustrating!

I hope you had a Merry Christmas!! :)

Svedi Pie said...

blah - that's maddening. Glad you could get most of the stains out. I'll keep this tip in mind for the future. Sorry you had to experience it!

Marianne Hales Harding said...

That's what you get for using chocolate flavored lip balm :) Seriously, what a pain! Glad most of the stains came out.