Thursday, February 21, 2008

el presidente

So, you are reading the blog of the new official president of the SH Condominium Home Owners Association. Woo hoo! What does that mean exactly?
  • Secretary was already taken
  • No one else wanted to do it
  • I guess I really don't know what it means.
In accordance with my new position, I have become aware of an issue on the homefront. Everyone who lives here has either a two-car tandem parking garage or two assigned parking spaces. We're very fair. You live here, you can park here. Yay. There are two visitors spaces.

The big fat new issue is people who have parking spaces -- or even garages! -- with too many cars who take it upon themselves to park their cars in the visitors spaces. I can't handle it! Are you kidding me? These spaces are for VISITORS. They are not OPEN spaces.

Let me ask you, would you go beyond propriety and park in the visitors space if you were a resident, owner, tenant? It's not very fair, now is it. When I have visitors, there's no where for them to park if Johnny who lives below me is home from work, and so is his girlfriend and their roommate or whatever and they are taking up the visitors spaces because their SUV is so huge you can't fit two cars in the garage. Not my fault. Buy a smaller car or get a bigger place.

Welcome to multi-family living.

So, had to vent. Hope all is well in your world.


wandering nana said...

I totally agree with you. We are running into the same problem where we are. You're not suppose to park on the road...the neighbors friends do and park across from our driveway, which because, for some reason this area thinks everyone drives a 2 seater car, is very short and doesn't give us much turning room so we have to pull up and back about 4 times in order to get out of our driveway. How do you enforce these by-laws that the homeowners make (we've never lived where there is a Homeowners Asso.)

angelalois said...

we're thinking about enforcing by towing!! so we'll see. the trick is, you gotta prove the "owners" are ones breaking the rules.

Daddio said...

Can you verify the tag numbers somehow? There should be a simple procedure to accomplish this, especially for vehicles that seem to be habitually parked in a "visitor" spot.

So, when we come to visit this summer, will there be sufficient space to park our rental vehicle?

angelalois said...

yeah dad, it's a matter of getting someone to cop to owning the car in the first place. but once we know, you're busted! a gal in our complex has these red stickers she puts on their windows telling them "violation! your license number has been recorded!!" it's hilarious, and they get the message.

And you can park there for 48 hours. That's the rule. I'll have to see if I can swing you some more time with the powers that be. :-)