Tuesday, July 8, 2008

wesley update

Well, our little tyke is a month old. Can you believe it? Wow. We are still getting used to it. Still in shock. Probably will still be in shock for the next 18 years.

Little guy is growing and being good and having all sorts of fun being the center of our universe. Some highlights:

  • He officially grabbed my hair the other day while I was laying him down on the changing table. Kung-fu grip, I tell you. It makes sense why a lot of new moms cut their hair short.

  • I was trying to calm him down and was holding him near his crib, and I turned on his Looney Tunes mobile for some soothing sounds. He saw the rotating plush figures and reached out his hand toward them. That was a first! I moved him a bit closer, and he grabbed at one of them! A big milestone, if I do say so myself.

  • We have gotten small smiles every once in awhile. Six weeks (now) is about the time they smile socially. The pediatrician says the more we smile at him, the better chance he'll start smiling back. So we're being plenty happy.

  • When he's in a fussy mood, a sure-fire way to calm him down is by putting him upside down on our knees and playing bongos on his little behind. How funny is that?

  • He's getting VERY good at holding his head up! I'm so proud!! He is really working those back/shoulder muscles during "tummy time." Pretty soon, he'll be all grown up and getting a job! (kidding)

  • He had what is known as "breast milk jaundice," which I found on wikipedia so I know it's for real (because at first I didn't believe the pediatrician but of course I believe wikipedia), which means he still kind of looked like a pumpkin baby even at a month old. The pediatrician said to put him on formula for 24 hours, which jump-starts his liver and gets the offending toxins out of his body so he looks less like a pumpkin and more like a baby. Oddly enough, it worked. Yay!

  • He is a bit colic-y. Boo. But the bongos and swaddling and a pacifier and running the dishwasher usually do the trick.
Guess that's all for now. We love the little guy!


Unknown said...

He is such a cute little guy. I am impressed by your swaddling. He looks very comfortable and happy!

Daddio said...

Can't wait to see the little tyke! :)

Corey said...

He looks like a "Snug little bug in a rug!" You are pro-swaddlers! Too cute!

wandering nana said...

I can't believe it's been a month. Enjoy him now because he will suddenly be getting a job "P

angelalois said...

thanks for the swaddling compliments!! I can certainly hold my own, but the swaddling job you are witnessing is the Shanester's. He's very talented!