The breaking news: I have FOUR CAVITIES. I am so bummed. Part of me thinks I should go to my other dentist and see if he'd say the same thing, since his hygienist didn't even allude to me being "in trouble" seven months ago. Boo.
The worst part is, from what I understand, there was nothing I could have done to prevent these cavities. Read on:
- The tops of your molars have teeny tiny little grooves, which are so so so small no amount of vigilant brushing can protect them.
- When you're a kid, you you get sealants over the tops of your teeth to prevent decay in the teeny little grooves. Well, sealants don't last forever, and by the looks of me, I'd say they wear off in 10 or 15 years. So now all my teeny grooves are "open for business."
- I heard a pediatric dentist explain once that some people are just more prone to cavities than others. It's partially genetic, and can even be traced to a bacteria that some people catch and others don't (like a propensity for cold sores, I think).
- After my appointment I told a friend about my four cavities and how devastated I was, and she said, "oh yeah! I've heard babies just suck the calcium out of you!" What? She explained her sister-in-law had ELEVEN cavities after her first child was born. Whoa! I've always thought I got enough calcium (with all the ice cream, I mean milk, that I consume), but maybe this baby-nursing-funky hormone thing just ruined me!
One would think a good option would be to ask for new sealants. Re-seal me baby. But, insurance companies (I was told) don't cover sealants for adults. Double-boo!
So. I don't know if there is an answer. I just want to be able to protect myself for the future, and the professionals yesterday couldn't give me an answer on how to do that.
On the bright side, the dentist explained that decay happens all over teeth, and the only areas I've ever had decay are the tops of my molars. So if I keep up with flossing and brushing, etc., I shouldn't get decay in between teeth or anywhere else. That's good to know. It's just sad that I think after all this is done with, all of my molars will be filled. I just hope I don't have to get dentures.
And, just so everyone feels my pain, they can't even fill all of the cavities in one sitting. I have to go back in TWICE. They only want to numb one side of my face at a time (I have 2 on each side). Triple-boo!
But. We should end positively. A couple years ago I made a New Year's resolution to floss everyday. WOW. What a difference it makes. If you don't floss often, DO IT. It'll change your life. Maybe I'd be worse off if I didn't floss. I shudder to consider it.
That's all for now. I'm bummed. If you need me, I'll be listerene-ing.