Tuesday, January 19, 2010

2010 challenge

What have I been up to, you ask?

Well, I'm really tired. I had a friend over the summer tell me about this "challenge" she did (pregnant even!) at the beginning of 2009. She said it "changed her life." I'm feeling in the need of some life changes, so I thought I'd go for it. I'm an all-or-nothing sort of person so perhaps it will work well for me.

The gist is this: There are 10 points for each day. Sundays are freebies. I decided to do this for 100 days (my friend did it for "12 weeks"). I made an Excel spreadsheet to track my 10 points a day. I have listed what number day of the year it is (today is Day 19) and how many more to go (82 to go!). I have summations for month and "duration so far" to see how I'm doing. I'm really motivated to get as close to my 1,000 points as possible!

Here are the 10 rules:
  1. Get 7 hours of sleep (not necessarily consecutive -- naps count, too!)
  2. Exercise 45 minutes every day (again, not necessarily consecutive)
  3. Drink 48 oz. of water each day
  4. Eat 2 fruits and 2 vegetables each day
  5. No soda, alcohol, unhealthy snacks, or fast food (at least avoiding the booze is easy)
  6. No sweets (ARGH!)
  7. No eating after dinner or 8 pm, whichever you decide
  8. Read 15 minutes of religious text each day
  9. Write in a personal journal each day (any length, any journal)
  10. Express sincere appreciation to my spouse or another person each day
What do you think? Could you do it?

It's really been a challenge. Surprisingly, I thought the hardest part would be fitting in the exercise... but I am finding lots of ways to exercise I had never even considered before. Last week, I walked to a nearby neighborhood for playgroup (pushing Wesley in a stroller): 10 minutes each way. Last Friday, I did stairs in a 40-story downtown Seattle high rise (it was monstrous!): 15 minutes. I've been doing workout videos, yoga, and resistance band/exercise ball exercises at home. It's been great.

The hardest so far has definitely been giving up the treats. My body just aches for sugar sometimes. For chocolate especially. I had a friend unknowingly bring me a plate of cookies last week. Ha! They sat on the counter until Sunday... when I had four for breakfast! Thank goodness Shane ate some too, but the short of it is that the plate was gone by the end of Sunday! That is how much I miss chocolate.

So far I've only missed 4 points -- one for sleep, one for forgetting a fruit, one for eating at 8 pm, and one for missing a journal entry. I feel pretty productive! I have kept myself motivated by doing this with some friends on the other blog I frequent, and that has been great.

However, haha -- as if this isn't enough!, I actually sat down last year and made some other goals for myself (many of them spiritual it seems). Some of them include:
  • Hold weekly Family Home Evenings with Wesley
  • Finish Jesus the Christ by James E. Talmage (I'm on chapter 10!)
  • Earn my YW medallion (as a leader! quick, before they release me!)
  • Work on family history at least 6 times during the year, once every 2 months
  • Attend the temple at least 6 times during the year, once every 2 months
  • Do at least 6 specific, planned service projects with/without Wesley
  • Plan a trip to Maui!!
I take New Year's Resolutions seriously! Can you tell? A couple years ago I made a resolution to floss daily... and that completely changed my life. I'm now a stellar flosser. If you don't floss daily, oh my gosh DO IT. It feels so good.

Anyway, so if you see me and my body looks beat up and I seem erratic, it's because I'm really challenging myself to do things better, all while keeping myself sane and still cooking dinner every day, remembering birthdays, keeping up with my Church responsibilities, showering, and more. (Good thing this blog counts as a journal entry!)

You know, I don't mind it. I like feeling busy, because it makes me feel alive. And isn't that what each new year is about? Finding more reasons to enjoy being alive?

I hope you have a happy and productive new year, too. I'd love to hear any of your newest challenges. I wish you the best (and please do the same for me!).


Amy said...

Angela, you are superwoman. I go back and forth about setting resolutions. This year, I did set just one: to be happier.

Yes, it's vague. Yes, vague is the best way to fail.

But, I have some ideas about how to achieve that which include making new friends, working out, and eating better.

I started the working out when I went home for Christmas, so I have been working out at least 5 times a week (my goal) for a month now. I can tell a difference already.

I have been eating a ridiculously healthy diet since Jan 3...and have not had any sweets since. I don't even crave them anymore. It will be interesting to see how I handle things once I allow myself to have goodies in moderation.

Anyway, I admire you for taking your resolutions seriously! Keep up the good work!

Corey said...

Good luck with the challenge! A lot of people in my ward did it last year, I wasn't one of them. I guess I'm just too stubborn to give up the sweets too! Plus I hate doing something knowing I'll fail. I couldn't believe how many people got perfect scores! I think they either have rock solid will power or cheated. Ha ha! Great idea to have the spread sheets to track yourself! That's a great motivator as well! Are you doing this with other people? I guess in our ward they all put in a certain amount of money to participate and then the winner took the pot. Nice huh?! However there were multiple winners so they had to split it up, but I think each one got about $200 or so. Money's always a great motivator!

Marianne Hales Harding said...

I'm a little overwhelmed reading your resolutions.... :) If anyone can do it, though, it is you!!! You have so much wonderful energy!