Tuesday, January 26, 2010

mommy 911

Currently waiting for attention in the Mom Hospital:
  • 6 board books (destroyed by toddler)
  • 2 pairs of pants (destroyed by mom)
  • 1 plush fish (smiley face ripped off by toddler)
  • 2 long-sleeved shirts (somehow I get rips in my elbows? why is that?)
  • infinite numbers of socks (I feel like sewing up the holes "wastes not, wants not," especially my cute pair of Christmas socks)
So that's what on my list today.

(Shane tells me Mom Hospital was coined by his mom, where all the toys their kids, dogs, etc., had destroyed were sent until she could mend them and return them to action. I think it's pretty funny!)

1 comment:

Marianne Hales Harding said...

Good gravy. Socks are so low on my list of things to worry about! My Mom Hospital (cute name!) docket is so far behind that I'm sure I'll be shut down one of these days, by the way... I've given up on mending knees in little girl pants. So much easier to find new pants on sale!