Wednesday, April 21, 2010

explain the physics of this

Sorry, no photo here, but what you're about to read boggles the mind.

Wesley is in this crazy "let's throw everything all the time" stage. Sometimes it's funny and cute, sometimes it's downright dangerous. I haven't quite figured out how to explain it's OK to throw nerf balls and stuffed animals, while it's not OK to throw remote controls and heavy-duty play cars. And, on top of that, it's not OK to throw things at people ever. (But even if the stuffed animal doesn't hurt? And technically it is OK to throw that at mommy? What do I do here?)

When I was cooking dinner Saturday I had him playing with a wooden-handled rubber spatula and a metal bowl on the floor. It was good fun. I set the table. We had roast beef in a crockpot, with hoagie rolls and au jus, and as a side, "sweet potato chips" which I made in the microwave and had placed in a ceramic bowl. (important detail.)

The table was set. The food was steaming. We were ready to eat. I picked up Wesley, spatula in hand, and he launches it toward the table.

The next thing happened very quickly. I didn't even see it, which makes it almost impossible to believe, except I saw the outcome.

The spatula hit the ceramic bowl, at some angle, and the bowl completely shattered around the sweet potatoes, and they just sunk gracefully onto the table, still in a little pile, when all around them -- all over the table, our plates (thankfully not in the crockpot), the floor, our chairs -- were shards of ceramic bowl.

I don't get how it happened. No food was flung. Just glass. We took the next 10 minutes cleaning, in our perplexed state, while Wesley watched us and probably had no idea he caused this crazy situation.

Ahhhh raising a toddler. Heaven help my dinnerware.


Janelle said...

Ceramic is like that. I broke my spoon rest cleanly on accident a month or two ago.

My daughter is only a month older than Wesley, and I've noticed lately and been impressed with how much she really understands, even though she doesn't speak very much yet. Wesley probably understands what you tell him, pretty clearly. I would focus on not throwing things in the house at all, even stuffed animals.

Danielle said...

Timely post. Jason just dropped a ceramic bowl on our tile floor this morning and it shattered into a zillion pieces. What I was surprised by was how some of the pieces were teeny-tiny, almost like flakes. Weird.

KG said...

I agree with Janelle. Not throwing anything is easier to understand than, "Well, you can throw this, but not this." As he gets older and understands more, like around three or so, then the not throwing anything can be more lax. I like to play "catch" with my four year old in the house with a stuffed animal, but I wouldn't do that with my recent two year old. He would then just start throwing everything in sight.

Leslie said...

Do you still have the tarp under his highchair?

angelalois said...

yes, but this was under the kitchen table ;-)

Christi said...

Ahhhh, yes. Throwing things. Em hasn't taken to this habit yet. And I say "yet" because I'm always anticipating this behavior. I've seen 99% of the kids I've known do it! Definitely a phase I think. I agree with your friends - no throwing anything for now until he knows the difference.
On a side note - if Emily makes a mess by purposely tipping her bowl full of food or throwing food on the floor - things I've repeatedly told her not to do - I make her clean it up with me.