Wednesday, April 14, 2010

what we eat a lot

I think it's interesting that um, everyone eats several times a day, yet we don't talk about it a lot. Right? I don't know any of your famous family recipes, and you don't know any of mine. Every now and then my friends post recipes to blogs, and sometimes I try one and it is a raving success or miserable failure (and I think surely when my friend prepares it it isn't as terrible as when I prepared it.) But for the most part, food prepared at home is a pretty private thing. Even though it is a seriously big part of our day. I find that interesting.

So, in the Gottula home, I try my best to be a good wife and mother, and we eat dinner at the table every night. I plan my meals a week at a time (I always have a piece of paper on the counter with planned meals for the week, for me to pick what I'm in the mood for and knowing full well everything needed to prepare it is in the house), I cook before Shane gets home, I set the table, we sit and pray, then we eat and chat. Well, Wesley eats and throws his food, but Shane and I tend to chat.

A normal family routine right? Wrong... evidently not a lot of families actually eat at the table. I can't believe it! I want it to be a goal of mine for my whole life that my children will always have dinner at the table with their family. Articles I have read say it adds to stability and confidence in the home. That is so important to me.

So, since we eat together -- often -- what are we eating? I thought it would be fun to brain dump my "frequent flier" foods.

  • Love breakfast burritos. Love eggs over easy with toast and a piece of ham or something. Shane doesn't; he prefers scrambled.
  • Sometimes all I want is a fruity yogurt and a toasted bagel with butter.
  • We also do a lot of cold cereal in our house. Honey Bunches of Oats is a staple. I usually like something rather whizz-bang-free (Special K, Cheerios) that I can put fruit in. Shane likes Raisin Bran. Wesley loves Cheerios.
  • I made an amazing almond granola this morning that I make a lot. Whenever I have a huge tub of yogurt I need to get rid of quick, I make this granola. (I generally hate plain yogurt. But Wesley was out of yogurt and they didn't have vanilla at the store and strawberries were on sale, so I bought a tub of plain yogurt and said I'd mash strawberries and combine them at home. It didn't get rid of the tartness of the yogurt, though, sadly. Wesley won't touch it. I've got to eat it... hence the granola.)
  • We do a lot of leftovers.
  • Love peanut butter and banana sandwiches. Almost exclusively. Love a side of chips, but I'll settle for baby carrots.
  • For my mom-friends with new babies, I always make a creamy potato soup with onion, carrots, and celery, and it's best in bread bowls. I tried for years and I've finally found the perfect foolproof bread bowl recipe. It's awesome. The secret to bread bowls? Make them by turning a muffin tin upside down! Thank my brother Kurt for that idea.
  • I love huge pots of chili. The chili recipe I love calls for one each of all bell peppers, onion, can(s) of beans, can(s) of tomatoes, ground beef, some spaghetti sauce, some chili powder, and you're done. Topped with sour cream and cheese always, and sometimes tortilla chips from the bottom of the bag or Fritoes (sinful). Plus a side of cornbread if I have time. I love all the leftovers. (PS I'm totally looking for a great cornbread recipe since all mine are terrible.)
  • Chicken pillows. Basically shredded chicken mixed with a slab of cream cheese and some frozen peas and garlic powder, divided into little balls of goo and wrapped in a stretched-out Pillsbury crescent roll. Then sometimes dipped in crushed corn flakes. I know Pillsbury stuff is bad for you (all those trans fats), but they're so dang good.
  • Hawaiian haystacks. We do this a lot. Chicken and cream of chicken soup, with rice, and a bunch of toppings like pineapple, ham, green peas, green peppers, almonds, coconut, cheese, tomatoes, chow mien noodles, YUM.
  • Quesidillas and black beans. One of my FAVORITE quick easy meals. Cheese quesidillas, made on the stove top, cut in quarters and topped with sour cream, black beans, and salsa. I just LOVE this meal.
  • We also do a lot of soup and salad. You just can't beat the quickness.
  • The best grilled cheese sandwich I've ever made includes ham, roma tomatoes, fresh basil, and cheese, with the butter used on the outside of the sandwich mixed up with crushed garlic and Parmesan cheese before it's spread. It's amazing.
  • Pumpkin cake roll. Yes, my signature dessert isn't even chocolate. Shocking! I love this, and I make it every once in awhile for a real treat. It's a big, slim pumpkin cake baked in a cookie sheet, with cream cheese spread on it and rolled up then sliced. It's best frozen.
  • Twining M&M cookies. If you've never had these, ask for some. Chocolate- and peanut-butter-chip cookies with M&Ms on top. A memory of my childhood.
I guess that's all for now. I'd call these things my "signature" items. I'm curious, what are your signature items? And feel free to post to your own blog so we can learn a bit more about each other and this little thing called eating (which most of us do constantly!)


Danielle said...

Hmm, yes, there are many facets of our personal lives that we don't cover on blogs even if we do feel like we are open books. :)
In our house, we are not fans of "cream of" soups so we probably eat much differently.
Since Nathan won't eat cereal or eggs, I end up making a lot of french toast, pancakes and waffles for breakfast. I very much believe in making these things from scratch and I love this recipe i have for oatmeal pancakes that uses buttermilk. Jason's favorite breakfast is crepes with fruit, mine is german pancakes so those enter into the mix sometimes too.
Lunch, I am ashamed to say is on the go quite often since I have a very skinny little boy who has a thing for chicken nuggets and absolutely shovels chicken bowls from chipotle, and so I indulge. Otherwise he does a lot of straight peanut butter on wheat bread. I do a lot of frozen trader joe's stuff - LOVE LOVE LOVE their frozen masala dishes.
Dinner depends on how grumpy my kids are around 4pm. I kind of don't make the same things too often but when I do, it's stuff like homemade pizza (pizza dough is ridiculously cheap at trader joe's), we seem to eat a lot of borsch stew, burritos, I like to make chicken cordon bleu, in the summer we eat a lot of burgers with corn on the cob. I've recently gotten into roasting a whole chicken every now and then. I love to make mashed potatoes that are half potatoes/half yams. I also love the combo of sausage/tomatoes/mushrooms/parmesan/noodles and create many variations on these ingredients. I always keep fancy chicken sausages in my freezer for last minute dinners.
We subscribe to an organic produce service so a lot of time, what we eat depends on what is coming in our box and I enjoy experimenting.
I also refuse to make dinner on Saturdays and most Sundays and Jason loves that because he loves to go out occasionally and he also loves to what he calls "forage" every once in awhile. I probably average 3-4 dinners a week, the rest being left-overs (I'm a serial over-maker), frozen stuff or eating out on Saturdays.

wandering nana said...

So when are you going to make the pumpkin cake roll and share it with us? When the girls were growing up we always sat at the table for meals. As they got into High school and College we still ate at the table but not always together. We did make a rule that Sunday was Family dinner day so we got at least one time a week. I think when we moved into a house that the family room was off the kitchen that we started eating away from the tablel (girls were married and we only had a dinning room table). The Mr and I usually sit at the table now because I think we talk more than we do if we are eating on the couch. It is becoming a habit.

KG said...

I have a very yummy cornbread recipe, but it's loaded with sugar and butter. Let me know if you want it and I'll email it to you.

Christi said...

I wish we could have dinner together every night like that! We're one of the families that don't, unfortunately. My husband doesn't get home until 7:30 and that's waaaay too late for Em and myself to eat. But I do make it a point to have dinner with her every night. :) I guess that's winning half the battle. Great post!

Rose said...

Sorry, it's been awhile since I've checked up on your blog! When you say, "signature items" - I think of items that I'm well known for making taste REALLY yummy... :)

One of my most popular signature items is Hawaiian Sweet Rolls. Jared requests that I make them whenever we have company over. I've taken them to potlucks before too!

For a signature breakfast food... blueberry muffins. They taste like Otis Spunkmeyer muffins, only they are homemade (and regular size instead of giant sized).

Lunch... signature item is LEFTOVERS... hahaha.

Dinner, there's quite a few dishes that I can make well... most of them laden with lots of fat and calories... like potato cheese soup, pumpkin soup, mushroom risotto, beef stroganoff. I can't take credit for most of the recipes though... as I hunt all over for recipes I like, then tweak them!

Dessert... pumpkin cheesecake. I've tasted no pumpkin cheesecake better than mine. If anyone has one that tastes better, I want the recipe. :)

Rose said...

(Oh, I suppose I should mention I can't take credit for the cheesecake recipe either)! :)

To be honest, I can whip up some pretty amazing food.