Monday, June 9, 2008

no common thread here

Some random thoughts....

On the Brain

A bulleted list of songs that have been stuck in my head this week, at various times and off and on:
  • “(Everybody was) Kung fu fighting”
  • “Fake it,” Seether
  • “All that Jazz,” from Chicago
  • “I am like a star shining brightly,” the primary song
  • “This River is Wild,” The Killers
A very very strange group. I knew a woman once who said she was excited to get up each morning to find out which Church hymn was stuck in her head, as that would set the tone for her day. I made that a goal once, and managed to get Church songs stuck in my head for awhile. But usually, I wake up to the Killers or Seether and, well, I’m not going to be singing Seether lullabies to my baby, that’s for sure. I really didn’t want some of those songs in my head. But how does stuff get stuck in your head anyway? I heard probably the last 10 seconds of that Seether song on the radio last Monday and it’s been in my head all week. Grr!

Also, interestingly, if I wake up in the middle of the night, my head is usually blank and I can get right back to sleep. But, if I wake up closer to morning, somehow there is a song in my head, I can't get it out of my head, and it won't let me sleep. I might as well get up anyway.


A big fat congratulations and “yahoo!” to my mom AND my dad, who both joined Facebook. If you know them, or even just know me and want to know them through me, add them as your friends. I’m so proud.

Baby Pics

Speaking of Facebook, here’s a link to a public album if you want to see more baby pics. And I'm sure you do. Dang, that kid is cute. I can't believe he's related to me!

Stuff He Does

A bulleted list of some funny things Mr. Wesley does:
  • He always sneezes twice, or sometimes three times, just like Shane!
  • He gets the hiccups between 3 and 5 times a day
  • The other night, he messed three diapers in a matter of 10 minutes… I was on the floor laughing at Shane’s reaction to clean diaper after clean diaper getting soiled, and cute little Wesley just grinning and cooing, oblivious to what was happening
  • He likes to “talk” to us, and Shane says he’ll be “just like his mom” (one can only hope!)

Better run. Need food.


Brenda said...

Yes Mom is now on facebook but I have NO IDEA what I am doing. When I visit you and the fam you can tutor me.

Daddio said...

Yeah, we need to upload some pix of us for the rest of the world to see.

Speaking of pix, that link you provided for "public album" ain't working, honey ... :(

angelalois said...

ok try it now!!!

Marianne Hales Harding said...

Still not working...