Tuesday, August 5, 2008

back into the swing of things

Today was the first day of the rest of my life.

Q: What do you mean, Angela?
A: Today was the first day since May 22, 2008, that I completed actual cardiovascular activity with the goal of getting and staying in shape.

Q: You mean you've sat around like a slob for 2 months?
A: Well, under doctor's orders I couldn't "exercise" for 6 weeks... so that was a good excuse to do nothing and eat everything. I've taken walks with the Wes-man every now and then, but it's doubtful my heart rate got above 150 for any period of time.

Q: How did it feel?
A: It was tough. But it was worth it. I didn't push myself too far, since I have been on hiatus. You can't expect too much the first day back, you know.

Q: What did you do?
A: I went for a run. There's a 2-mile loop I like around where I live. The sun was out; it was nice. Actually, the timing of it is rather convenient (because I'd never work out if it wasn't convenient): Wesley went to bed at 10 last night, then woke to eat at 4:30 this morning (6.5 hours, whoo hoo!!). He was done and back in his crib sleeping semi-soundly at 5:15... and I decided to get changed and go for a run. I did 2 miles, came home and did stretches and core exercises on my stability ball, and took a shower all before Shane got up at 6:20. Pretty impressive if you ask me.

Q: Wow! You're a superwoman!
A: Ha ha. Tell that to my legs and arms and abs and everything else that hurts right now. But thanks. They say 9 months up, 9 months down. We'll see. I actually returned to my pre-pregnancy weight pretty fast (i.e., immediately), but since that was nothing impressive and I hadn't even started trying to get back into shape, I have plenty of motivation and have had plenty of time to mentally prepare for this new journey of mine. A long journey back into healthiness, that started this morning with a single step.

Best of luck to you all and your goals. Remember, today is the first day of the rest of your life. What do you want to change?


Unknown said...

Good Job Angela.

Marianne Hales Harding said...

Ok, my friend, I am very impressed! I will have to keep this post for motivation in January! (Or, actually, I guess, March)