Sunday, February 8, 2009

lights leading nowhere

Last night, Shaner and I and bebe were out shopping and as we were getting in our car we saw four spotlight beams rotating in the sky. Ooh, how fancy, we said. I always feel a sense of excitement because I'm just so sure something thrilling is happening where the lights are and I wanna be there. I mean, they're like a bat-signal and Batman could be there, you know!?

But usually you can't tell exactly where the lights are coming from, so the excitement ends as soon as it begins. I liken it to trying to find the end of a rainbow to find a pot of gold. It just doesn't happen.

BUT, much to my excitement, these lights were really close, and as we were driving home they kept getting closer and closer until, doggone, we were at the lights! What are the chances!?

In my mind I pictured finding throngs of people jumping up and down, live DJs, clowns on stilts, circus tents, free food, confetti, you name it.

What a big fat disappointment! There was nothing! It was in the parking lot of a Lovers! I was so bummed. Nothing was there! Nothing! There were some parked cars, but not one lonely soul around anything remotely near the lights. It was at a strip mall! Boring beyond boring! Can you sense my disappointment by all the exclamation marks here!?

Totally weird. I wonder what prompted an old empty parking lot to think it could hype itself up with a set of big fat lights. I imagine the price tag on that was not cheap. I just can't get over it.

So the lesson is that just because something has a fancy exterior or seems flashy, it isn't always the case. A good thing to remember, I suppose.



Marianne Hales Harding said...

Goodness. It's not as if those lights are free to run. Someone must have a great love of giant lights....

Danielle said...

Ahem...Lovers Package is not NOWHERE. ;) (I just made myself cringe)