Monday, August 10, 2009

our week, potpourri

Hey everyone; lots has been happening in the Gottula home, so here's a recap.

It Walks

That's right, little bebe is finally a walker. Finally. Wesley took his first steps on Saturday July 25, at a party with a half-dozen of his baby friends and their parents, so we think he was either 1) just trying to keep up with the other walking babies there, or 2) saving his big moment until he could show off. It's been go-go-go ever since. The first week he was wobbly, but he's a full-grown toddler now. It's really cute to watch. He is just so HAPPY and LAUGHING and everything. He's so proud of himself! And we're proud of him, too.

Happy Birthday

It was my brother Brad's birthday. He shares a birthday with the bombing of Hiroshima so we like to give him a hard time about that. Correction, I like to give him a hard time about it. Happy Birthday, Brad!

Girls' Camp

A shout-out to my awesome Young Women girlies who survived camp last week. I think camp can best be summed up by this conversation which occurred at Church yesterday:

Jacque: Sister Valentine, I'm hungry, did you bring food today?

Tawnya (aka Sister Valentine): Yes, I brought girl scout cookies.

Jacque: Well, I was kind of hoping for real food. Like a salad.

Tawnya: What?

Jacque: Yeah, at camp one day the Bishop brought us donuts, then we went to dinner and there were these big cupcakes, and then afterwards someone had these huge cookies, so I'm just kind of junk-fooded out.

Tawnya: Well, I'm sorry I didn't make you a salad. For Church.

So we are always trying to teach these sweet girls to be healthy and happy and well balanced yet we send them to camp (and Church on Sunday) where they are inundated with junk food. And spiritual experiences, evidently. I heard camp was awesome. I was trying to go up for a day but couldn't find a Wesley watcher. So if you want to be my volunteer Wesley watcher for next summer please let me know.

I had a BLAST at camp when I was a teenager. It was awesome. I made the best friends. It was sweaty and hot and always gross, but some of my best memories are from camp. I recently found two more camp friends on Facebook.

Jetty Island

Wesley and I met some buds on Jetty Island this week. Since his nap is around noon, and the ferry over doesn't start running until 10 am, we caught the first ferry and hung out for a few hours before we had to leave. Except we went on the coldest day of the summer so far. It was freezing! And Wesley would walk in the sandbar then fall on his little bum and he'd get wet and then he was soaked and cold. And it was overcast and windy.

And as soon as we gathered our stuff to leave, the sun came out. It was gorgeous. And we went home and napped. Ahh life. We'll go again before the season is out. And I'll take pictures next time.


We went to the Mariners game Friday night. It was awesome! I had four tickets, so even though Wesley didn't technically need his own ticket he got one anyway. We took our good friend Amelia who is moving to Bend, Oregon, so we're super depressed and this was a last hurrah I suppose. I actually didn't find out that we were going until that day when I was at work, so I called Shane (who was at home with Wesley) and rattled off like a million things he had to do beforehand and bring. I just wasn't sure he'd think of them all! He managed to get Wesley dressed in his Mariners outfit, and remembered the camera and blankets, and it was just a nice time. Garlic fries will make anything I nice time, I'd argue.

Wesley has also been a stinker about staying up until like 10 pm or something lately so I didn't think the night game would be a problem. For the last week we've been putting him in his crib at 8 pm, and he'd just sit and talk to himself and goof off (e.g., bang the walls, throw his stuffed toys over the side of the crib) for like two hours, then go to sleep peacefully. Funny guy.

The Mariners won. It was a good game -- extra innings! We actually left a teensy bit early and we're glad we did because we beat traffic. What loser adults we are, huh!? It was so fun though... a nice family outing. With Amelia.

Dental Arts

Today is Wesley's first dentist appointment. Boy howdy! I decided randomly a week or so ago to check and see if any of his molars had come in, and indeed he had ALL FOUR. That kid has a zillion teeth. OK 12. He has 12. But the "canines" aka vampire teeth are coming in soon, and with all the fun foods he is eating he is getting some nastiness and needs to brush regularly although he isn't a fan of it. So off to the dentist we go for advice!

Twilight Soundtrack

Speaking of vampires, I got the Twilight soundtrack from and I've only listened to it about 10 times every day for the last week. I'm insane. And addicted. Good stuff.

OK that's all for now.


Julie J said...

Boy howdy! And I'm always up for some Wesley watching!

Grossarths said...

Man, you guys have been busy! That was so fun to see you at Jetty Island on that freezing cold morning!
Just for your info, Kaitlyn may have sounded calm and collected, but when Kevin sat down and handed her to me, he informed me that they almost dropped her! Seriously, my dad and Kevin had to take their hands off the shoulders next to them to grab her so she wouldn't hit the ground. My sweet little baby just wiggled her way out of their hold! I really don't remember Wesley screaming through his blessing though.