Thursday, September 24, 2009

time to reflect

I think it's time for a break from our regularly scheduled programming for my favorite quote, probably of all time. I love this. It gives me such strength -- often. It's in my scriptures and everytime I happen upon it, I read it. I need it.

There are few of us, if any, who don’t walk the refiner’s fire of adversity and despair, sometimes known to others but for many quietly hidden and privately endured. Most of the heartache, pain, and suffering we would not choose today. But we did choose. We chose when we could see the complete plan. We chose when we had a clear vision of the Savior’s rescue of us. And if our faith and understanding were as clear today as it was when we first made that choice, I believe we would choose again.

Therefore, perhaps the challenge is to have the kind of faith during the hard times that we exercised when we first chose. The kind of faith that turns questioning and even anger into acknowledging the power, blessings, and hope that can come only from Him who is the source of all power, blessings, and hope. The kind of faith that brings the knowledge and assurances that all that we experience is part of the gospel plan and that for the righteous, all that appears wrong will eventually be made right.

Richard C. Edgley, For Thy Good, April 2002

Keep on keeping on, everyone.


The Little Twining's said...


Marianne Hales Harding said...

Ok, I like the idea that all that appears wrong will eventually be made right but I seriously chaff at the idea that we chose all of our trials. Or even most of them. We may have had a great book-knowledge of the plan in the pre-existence but it was an untried knowledge. It was the knowledge that teenage girls have about marriage if you know what I mean. I take comfort in the fact that someone more experienced and wiser than me is looking out for me and that as I stumble through life He is helping me. I don't think I chose these trials. I don't think God sent them down upon my head Job-style. I think life is full of heartache and pain and we cannot hope to walk the earth without touching it. We chose life and we knew in some degree that we were choosing to endure heartache and pain. Yes, that is true. Ok, maybe that's what the quote is saying. Maybe I am up too late for deep thoughts!

angelalois said...

No, I think it's not that we chose our trials, but that we chose the fact that we would have trials. We knew this was the better way, even though it was harder. And sometimes I really struggle with that.