Friday, September 25, 2009

useful -and- cute

Wesley has been battling an icky runny nose and cough and bouts of unpleasantness (aka he whines at the drop of a hat), so we're worried it's a cold and we're finally trying to get it taken care of. A toddler with congestion is just such a sad sight! Especially my sweet little toddler.

The nurse at the pediatrician's office recommended getting a cool-mist humidifier. I have, in the past, resisted the urge to get a humidifier since we just don't need more stuff, but we finally figured we might as well invest in one since this probably won't be the only time Wesley will be sickly.

I had seen this little guy in a magazine awhile ago and knew if I had to have a humidifier, it might as well be as fabulous as this:

That's the frog. I had no idea the line of humidifiers gets even better!

There's the pig:

The cow:

The dragon (which I hadn't seen before yesterday; check out the shifty eyes):

The elephant (my favorite actually):

The penguin:

And the one we came home with yesterday, the duck:

There are lots of options online, but it turns out the stores only carry one or two kinds, usually the frog and cow. Bed Bath & Beyond had the duck, and it matches the red, yellow, and blue of Wesley's nursery, so we went with it.

But dang, aren't these things CUTE?! Come over anytime to see Wesley's fancy humidifier. Or, well, wait until he's feeling better.


Tawnya said...

CUTE!!!! I want one.

wandering nana said...

Makes me want to throw my ugly humidifier out and get a cute one. It is definitely a must to have with children and some adults.