Thursday, July 1, 2010

i feel like i should blog

But I'm not sure what to say.

  • I'm nervous about being forgetful so my mind is on vacation (and my body as well) this week.

  • I'm worried about being a "healthy me" so I've been exercising and trying really hard not to eat late at night but did I jeopardize everything by having a 160-calorie bag of Cheetos today?

  • I'm concerned I have so many friends and people I love but as much as I try, I can't keep up with them all. Blogs and Facebook and mommy groups and more and more. At what point is it too much? At what point can I let myself be out-of-touch?

  • I'm feeling busy with callings and jobs and organizing my life and being a momma.

  • I'm ridiculously proud of Wesley, whose vocabulary is growing by leaps and bounds. Maybe he doesn't exactly know what a "bubble" is or "baa" means, but he is willing to say it. The imitation is a huge step and we're so excited.

  • I'm thinking my eyes are tired from staring at a computer screen for all of his three-hour nap today. Why anyone would give up real books for Kindles (if they do this to your eyes), I cannot explain.

  • I think there are so many cool things to do in Seattle and I'm bugged I don't do enough of them. There are museums and parks and petting zoos and spraygrounds and the zoo and the waterfront and I really should get out more. But that requires planning and again, I'm trying to take it easy right??

  • I've realized I need to slow down a bit. Not demand so much of myself. Allow myself to not do it all and still feel OK. But I've always set the bar high and it's hard to just chill out already.
So with that, I'm going to enjoy this vacation. Happy 4th everyone!

1 comment:

Rose said...

I used to face the same problem with keeping up with people! I have my blogs on a reading list... and I've finally convinced myself that I don't have to comment on each and every post. In fact, I don't even have to completely READ every post. I usually skim over the post and if there's more information I want to look at, I will! A lot of times, even when I read the posts, I don't comment on everyone, otherwise blog reading would take four times as long! I've also cut back on checking my Facebook to a couple times a week at the most. I had my husband change my password, so that way I have to ask him to log me in. Usually, I'm too lazy to ask him to sign me in, so I just go without!

As far as mommy groups, I think those are worth keeping up on though... it's good to have contact with people in person! Plus, they have little friends that Wesley can play with, and that's important too!