Saturday, August 2, 2008

the seven dwarfs

Last night was a reunion of our childbirth class now that we've all survived labor and delivery and have cute babies to show off. It was so fun to get together. This was the funnest part:

One of the dads made the comment that from right to left the babies are progressively more awake. Notice Wesley on the most left, screaming his little head off. Can you believe that of our seven babies, all 2 months or less, he was the only one whining?? I was shocked. It was so funny. I just laughed and laughed as this picture was taken. They are SO CUTE. But yeah, the poor guy, I don't even know why he was crying. I think he was tired. That is Shane's hand, holding his hand as he is crying. (Can you see his shirt? It was a hand-me-down and says "Daddy's Little Wingman" !!)

Our childbirth instructor came to the reunion, and she said in all the time she has been teaching, this is the first reunion where everyone from the class came. We totally loved our class. We clicked, I guess. Some couples were quieter than others, but many of us were outspoken and even the less talkative ones joined in most of our discussions. We did discuss a lot.

The coolest part of the reunion was this game we did. Well, not really a game. It was Vicki's idea -- she is a teacher in her work life -- but I actually carried it out since she was also hostess and was overwhelmed getting ready for the event. I took three posterboards and typed up questions, printed them out, cut them up, and glued them on. Questions like:

"My water broke.... At home. In public. At the hospital, by my doctor."
"I had my baby on a.... Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday. Friday. Saturday. Sunday."
"During labor I.... Developed a fever. Needed oxygen. Swore at my husband."

I had sheets of stickers and each of the seven couples got a different color star. For everything that pertained to the couple, they put one of their stars by the answer. It was very very cool to see how it all shook out for the seven of us. I wonder if statistically we are a microcosm for the universe? One of the seven had a preemie, two of the seven had c-sections, four of the seven pushed for less than an hour (first-time moms, wow!), and all seven of us attempted and are still breastfeeding. I should research that.

It was a blast. I totally need this network right about now, since I'm terribly afraid of 1) being all alone and 2) feeling all alone. Having these gals, with babies all at the same age as the Wes-man, just rocks. We've actually gotten together a couple other times, and one of the girls was like, "oh, I'm so glad to hear you say you have piles of laundry all over your house, too! I've been working on folding four loads for the last four days!" Case in point, we are all going through the same thing, and it's totally normal. Whew. Now I'd better get to my laundry.


betsey said...

Such an adorable picture and wow! What fun that everyone from your class came! Sounds like a great evening!

Marianne Hales Harding said...

Very cute pic. Sounds like you had a very different experience with childbirth classes than we did! We never went to a reunion because we didn't finish the class--it seemed more geared towards people who weren't quite sure how they got pregnant (and we seemed to be the only people in the class who actually knew about the birds and the bees).