Saturday, August 16, 2008

we're all a little loony....

I'm FINALLY done. Baby is 12 weeks old on Monday, and his nursery is finally decorated. Yay. It all started with the Looney Tunes clock (in the upcoming pictures), which we got from Shane's sister when she moved once and decided she didn't want it anymore. I bet she didn't realize it would be the first element in our baby's themed nursery. Thanks, Bonnie!

I feel a bit like Wandering Nana in this post; she puts up pictures of her decorations at Christmastime. They're always so fabulous! And since I'm so proud of myself and my themed nursery, here it is:

Exhibit A, sweet Wesley on his baby Looney Tunes sheets. I found them on eBay, I got two of them, so we always have one in reserve.

This diaper stacker rocks! It was a gift from someone at Church who knew I was going with a Looney Tunes theme. I love the fabric. I totally wanted "grown-up" Looney Tunes, you know, with the deep blues and reds and yellows, instead of the pastel "baby" Looney Tunes. So this diaper stacker is great. I actually found a stacker on eBay to match the crib sheets above, but I didn't really know what a diaper stacker was when I was pregnant and I forgot about the auction and didn't get it. It's probably a good thing, since I got this one as a gift and the fabric is even better.

The mobile was a Craigslist find. It is like baby magic. No matter how fussy Wesley is, every time we turn it on and he sees the little guys moving 'round and 'round, he is just mesmerized. It's unreal. We love this thing.

Another eBay find. I have a switchplate cover and two plug covers. The cool thing about them is that when I'm sitting on the futon in Wesley's room, I can see the switchplate in the same line of vision as the diaper stacker. The blue is so harmonious. I love it!

The wall was my big project. We had the clock first, but I knew I wanted something more.

On the shelf are eight Looney Tunes finger puppets from eBay. Evidently they were sold at Starbucks on big stick candy canes or something. I bid on a bunch of auctions before I won them. Evidently they are collectors' items. Who woulda knew? I'm actually tempted to cut off the tags. I mean, they are for a baby. I don't think they'll be kept in mint condition.

Also on the shelf is a Looney Tunes photo album, which I have had for years and years. Currently it only has three pictures in it, pictures of us in the hospital with Wesley. I think I'll fill it with pictures of our family, so when he is learning about family we can flip through it and say "who's that?" "Grandma!" or whatever.

Now the shelf...

The shelf and picture frame I made! Well, kind of, I bought a wooden shelf and wooden picture frame. I painted them white, put on Looney Tunes stickers (also bought from eBay!), and decopaged the shelf. Decopage just keeps the stickers on and gives it a nice shiny finish. There are 15 different Looney Tunes characters on the shelf. It turned out so awesome. I'm totally proud of myself. I was hoping to get it done before he was born, but since he was eager to get into the world, taking us by surprise, it didn't get finished until recently.

OK, one more shot...

The bear is from Nicole and the blocks from Keri. I love them! They look great together and go so well with the room and the colors. Keri makes blocks for everyone at Church who has a baby. What a great gift!

Anyway, yay for decorating. Maybe one day, much to everyone's chagrin, I'll do a post detailing my palm tree bathroom?


Daddio said...

Getting `em started early on the good cartoons! Way to go! :)

Julie said...

Very cute. I look forward to the day, that I own the space that I live in, and can feel like I can do some real decorating. Especially in the kids room.

Corey said...

Great decorating skills! Isn't it great when you have a theme and just go for it. What fun!

Marianne Hales Harding said...

You're so good! I never did finish decorating Emily Lara's nursery :-)

betsey said...

Nora is 8 months old and I still haven't finished decorating her room. You are an awesome mom and I LOVE the looney tunes theme. So original!

wandering nana said...

I love your nursery. I love the martian finger puppet. It made me laugh as I didn't realize they did those. So cute. I'm glad you shared the pictures.

Kati said...

Cute! Who knew you could find so many different coordinating items on ebay?