Thursday, July 2, 2009

unpleasantly lyrical

I felt a bit poetic. Here are some limericks to describe my day ahead.


I always thought my teeth were fine
I brush, floss, and drink milk all the time!
But there are spots of decaying
So I've got to start praying
The dentist is nice to this mouth of mine.


The sun is shining on this beautiful day
Unfortunately I feel a bit gray
See, my teeth are getting drilled
I'm much less than thrilled
but I've got to keep these cavities at bay.


The dreaded day has arrived
I'm not sure I'll come out alive
I'll be numb for awhile
In three corners of my smile
So if I disappear, at least you know why.

Happy Thursday!

1 comment:

Danielle said...

I remember one summer in college, I had 3 or 4 friends who were also stuck at jobs in front of computer screens and we would IM haikus back and forth about our days. I kept all the good ones in a book and it is fun to look back on. :) Sorry about the teeth, but in 50 years, you may just be glad you still have 'em.