Friday, October 16, 2009

let me count the ways

All the reasons today was an awful day:
  • It rained a lot.
  • Traffic was awful.
  • My bus this morning hit a sign on the freeway, obliterating the sign and cracking the bus's windshield. I had to fill out a "accident witness" form and catch another bus in the rain.
  • Shane and Wesley got in an accident. A guy towing a car slid into them.
  • My car's rear passenger fender is totally crumpled (our second accident in a year for anyone keeping score at home).
  • They were on their way to a speech therapist appointment for Wesley, and the office called me at work to see if I knew where they were, since they were really late. Of course I immediately start freaking out. (For good reason, apparently.)
  • Shane was on the phone this afternoon with the insurance people for two hours.
  • Wesley refused to take a nap.
  • Wesley finally fell asleep like two hours later and Shane didn't have time to do all the stuff he needed to do before close of business.
  • I tried to help by getting on a bus and going home from work early.
  • But it was still raining.
  • And traffic was still awful.
  • And the bus was really really late.
  • In fact, when I got to the busy bus stop and started talking to people, they said they hadn't seen a single bus in 30 minutes, and their bus was at least 40 minutes late. (And sadly, they were still waiting when my bus finally came.)
  • The bus was packed to the gills and standing room only.
  • I exercised yesterday for the first time in a week and today every muscle in my body hurts.
  • I've been working all week and I'm really really tired. I just want to collapse.
Can you believe this?

On a happier note, I had Seattle's Best Coffee Cocoa Trio today (with whipped cream, the best in the business) and Little Caesar's for dinner. A Little Caesar's just opened up super close to us and dangit I wanted it today. I think it's bad to drown my worries in hot chocolate and pizza but for today I don't care.

I hope your day was better!


Daddio said...

>It rained a lot< Quack, quack!
>Traffic was awful< Beep, Beep!
>Bus hit a sign..< Oops, oops!
> an accident..< ouch, ouch!
> on the phone .. 2hrs< Yap, yap!
> still raining ...< Quack, quack!
> traffic ... awful< Beep, beep!
> bus was late...< #$@&!, #$&@!
> body hurts..< moan, moan!

Still alive? Hooray! Hooray!

Life is good! :) :)

Tina - Ball Team Co-Captain said...

Aw, girl, I feel ya. You paid your dues and thankfully no damage is permanent. Whew.

Stacey said...

I'm sorry Angela! What a day. At least we still got to see Wesley at playgroup!

I hope the guy who hit Shane has insurance. We've been there...