Friday, May 9, 2008

gravity wins, yet again

Warning: pregnancy post ahead.

The worst part about being pregnant, for me, is that I seem to have this uncanny ability to drop stuff. Over and over again. I've never been one to drop stuff before, but it happens ALL the time now.

On Wednesday at the gym, I was getting ready to take a shower and got my little shampoo and little conditioner out of my bag, gently placing them both on the bench. First the shampoo fell. I picked it up, somehow nudging the conditioner. It fell. I picked it up, somehow nudging my entire gym bag. It then fell, spilling all of the contents upside down on the locker room floor.

Holy cow, what IS this?

This girl at Church, months ago when I was first pregnant (and keeping the little gem of a secret all to myself), was comiserating with some others about the hormones of pregnancy. I recall her saying she had a tendency to break things while pregnant. I can understand why. All I'd need to do is get my hands on some fine crystal or valuable family heirloom and I know stuff would get broken.

Maybe a week or two ago, I had made my way up the 2 (3?) flights of steps to our condo, and was at the door fiddling with my keys to get in. Shane was inside, but we always lock our door. I dropped the keys. So there stood poor Angela, worn down by my gym bag, lunch box, and a shopping bag, just sitting there astonished and looking down at my feet at those dang keys. The plan was to pick them up eventually... but I needed to work up to it, I guess. In the 10 seconds or so I was staring at my keys, trying to decide my plan of attack, Shane came and opened the door. He took one look at pitiful-ole-me and laughed, "poor Angela, you would have been here all night!" Maybe he was speaking the truth. Maybe I would have been there all night. Just trying to work up the gusto to pick up those keys.

Once I dropped the keys in the car, so they were down by the accelerator. I don't know if you've ever seen a pregnant lady in a car, but there isn't much room for manuevering, much less bending over and reaching things wedged under the foot pedals. It was unpleasant. I've dropped the keys outside the car, on the way to the car, and while locking car, and I think once after I locked the car I accidentally hurled them about 5 feet. Is there a scientific explanation for this?

It seems I just have these things in my hands and I can't seem to hold them. My fingers ARE getting fatter (another awful side effect of pregnancy), but I didn't think that would make me incapable of gripping things.

I drop utensils in the kitchen, usually getting bright red sauce (spaghetti, enchilada, take your pick) all over myself, the linoleum, and the white cabinets. My hair brush just falls out of my hands in the bathroom. I drop Crystal Geyser bottles of water at work all the time (thankfully with the lid on, and I consider myself lucky that water is non-carbonated). I once lost my wedding ring behind our dresser, dropping it as I was trying to put it in my jewelry box.

Need I go on?

To limit the embarrassment, this is all for now. I do hope my internal gripping mechanism is returned when this little guy makes his appearance in 6 weeks (or less) (or more). Let's pray I don't break anything between now and then. I'll keep you posted.


Corey said...

You are not alone! Pregnancy just does weird things to you and I'm not sure anyone has a good explanation for it, besides your ligaments all loosening up and your mind being preoccupied. Just wait until your baby is born and then you'll get to experience fun things like Momnesia and PPD...darn hormones, why do they have to go crazy on us like that!

Marianne Hales Harding said...

Memories....light the corner of my mind....misty watercolored memmmmmories...of the way I was....

Goodness, the things we go through to have children!!!