Saturday, May 10, 2008

happy may 10!

I've been blogging a lot recently. Guess I've got lots to say!

Happy May 10! As some of you possibly know, May 10 is my absolute favorite day of the year. I LOVE it. I can't explain it. I always seem to remember things that happen on May 10. It's a magical day. May is my favorite month of the year, and May 10 is just like this perfect day where spring begins and the sun is shining and everyone is so happy that it's May and life is good and on and on.

So, in celebration of May 10, let's take a trip down Angela's memory lane and I'll fill you in on some awesome things that have happened on the May 10s in my life:
  • Fifth grade. The year must have been 1990? I took a trip with the TAD ("thinking and doing") group from elementary school to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. If I had a scanner, I'd scan a pic for you of me at the top of the Statue of Liberty and you guys would all laugh my roly-poly fifth-grader-ness. Remember, this was back before anyone really was worried about "terrorism," so I got to go all the way up and look out the windows of Lady Liberty's "crown." It was awesome. I loved growing up in Maryland. I think it was my first trip on a fancy bus, too, you know, one with a bathroom in the back!

  • Eighth grade. Year, maybe 1994? We were doing this project in Mr. Desjardins' Science Class where we tracked the position of the sun on an acrylic globe with a charcoal pencil. Every couple weeks we'd go outside and track the sun and see how it moved during the semester. It was very cool. I loved his class -- he is an awesome teacher. Anyone reading this from Salisbury, send your kids to Wicomico Middle and make sure they get into Mr. Desjardins' classes. He taught me to not be afraid to think. Somedays I think I should have become a scientist. He made is all seem so fascinating. I even remember him explaining to us once how police officers capture speeders.

  • Tenth grade, 1996. We had "secret birthday" partners in seminary at Church and I had Trina Swanson. Her birthday is today. I'm pretty sure I made chocolate chip cookies and took them to seminary and we all celebrated. Happy Birthday, Trina.

  • Summer of my BYU sophomore year, 2000. This post is courtesy one of my journals I pulled out of the closet. I was working at the Olive Garden (the best job EVER!) but decided to take a trip to the beach in the morning. Ahhh the beach. My happy place. I'm sure I took a book, found the perfect spot, and sat and read and listened to the waves and realized "this is what heaven is like." I love the beach. Here's to you, Ocean City, Maryland, for one of the best May 10s.

  • Summer of my BYU senior year, 2002. I met this boy named Shane Gottula on May 3, the week before, and Friday, May 10 was the day he got the guts to ask me on a date. The funny thing is, there was this OTHER guy I totally liked, Greg, and he came over to "hang out" with me on May 10! I was hoping for a kiss or something (on May 10, that woulda been perfect!), but Greg was a loser and had bad breath and left after awhile. Then Shane found me and asked me out for the next night. On May 11, we went to Arby's and then saw the first Spiderman movie in the theater. (For the record, we got going late and Shane was upset we had to go to Arby's; he wanted to take me somewhere nice but we didn't have time.)

  • 2003. This May 10 is also courtesy a journal I thumbed through this morning. (I'm a firm believer in journals.) I got out of working a lunch shift at Joe's Crab Shack (the crappiest job ever), and instead wandered into the mountains of Utah where Shane was volunteering at a Mini-Baja competition. If you don't know what that is, a bunch of mechanical engineering students in colleges around the region all build their own little four-wheelers and then compete on a mountainous terrain. Whoever does the best, i.e., their vehicle doesn't fall apart, wins. It had rained that morning, so there was mud EVERYWHERE. I wandered around looking for Shane, and finally found him. I got to watch as he helped push little racecar after little racecar out of a ditch and get mud all over himself. What a fun day!
OK, I guess that's all for now. I love May 10. Let's hope today is just as awesome as all the other May 10s. I pray the sun comes out, even just for a bit, so I can celebrate.

Happy May 10 to you all!


Unknown said...

i remember gregg and I remember joes crab shack. i think it's out of business now. i never knew that may 10th could be such a cool day. oh, and how far a long are you now?

angelalois said...

you would remember greg!! yeah you were the best roommate who heard ALL my stories. I'm 8 months now.. wow! Little Gottula Man should make his appearance on or around June 15.

Corey said...

There must be something special in the air on May 10th, because we had a wonderful day too. Thanks for sharing your memories from over the years. Aren't journals great! That is one of the reasons I love blogging since I can type so much faster than write. Plus we can share our stories with our friends and families. It's great!

Danielle said...

Guess my sister-in-law picked a magical day to get married. ;)

Unknown said...

I love reading your posts, it is almost like I am there for some of your memeories. One memory I would like to read about is.. How did the romantic Shanester ask you to marry him?

Love and miss you!