Saturday, March 8, 2008

sporting equipment getting a second life

I am so proud of myself, I just got finished mopping the bathrooms. I hate it. I try to do it every 3 months and I whine and complain the entire time.

HOWEVER, today was different. Well, I still pretty much hated it, but today I had a brilliant idea and it made life so much better!! In mopping the bathrooms, I first get on my hands and knees (ugh) and go around the baseboards with a bristle brush and toothbrush to clean them as best I can. Then I finish with the regular mopping and rinising and I breathe a sigh of relief for the next 3 months.

Well, I was a volleyball player in high school, and still have my knee pads. Yeah, 10 years later I still have the same knee pads from when I was off-setter #10. I thought, why not put these babies to good use? I pulled on my kneepads and scrubbed away! It was brilliant! With my iPod and no husband home and the acoustics of the bathroom (great mental picture of me, remember I am 5 months pregnant), it was quite pleasant!

I got to thinking of how useful it is to give used sporting equipment another shot at greatness. (Sidenote: of course, I could still use the kneepads... if anyone was brave enough to invite me to be on their volleyball team and I didn't have a baby in my belly...)

Here's a brainstorm:
  • My father-in-law plays handball and is planning to win the world championships when he's in the 80-year-old-and-above age bracket. Good for him. His used handball gloves, and balls I believe, have become dog chew toys for their loveable mutt Toby.
  • My super awesome new white marshmallow coat has down in it (or maybe fake down, I don't know), but the label specifically says to put it in the dryer with a tennis ball. Viola! A new use for a beat-to-smithereens tennis ball!
  • I think when my husband solders he puts on his racquetball goggles. I fully support him protecting his peepers.
  • Some people use a wooden rod as a spacer on their sliding glass doors and windows, so an unwelcome intruder can't sneak in. We use a baseball bat.
  • I've always thought cleats would be good aerators for a lawn. I've got to get myself a lawn to try it out. If anyone wants me to come over and aerate their lawn, let me know. I think it would be fun. Maybe I'd put on my iPod and start singing for you.

That's all for now! Happy reusing! (My, we're sustainable in Seattle; I love it!)


Daddio said...

Reusing and recycling can have positive benefits, as you have learned firsthand here.

Have a piece of cake for your efforts!

Chelle said...

Thanks for the great suggestions - I will definitely have to try some of those. And besides,"when in Rome (or Seattle), do as the Romans"! You should receive an award for your innovative approach to reusing. :)

wandering nana said...

Just a warning... I put a stick (didn't have a bat) in our sliding door. One day I went out and the stick fell. I was locked out of the house. The dog just stared at me (she was inside). I used a worker's cell phone and M said it would be awhile. I sat in the car when Sara came to the rescue. M told me to call her but alas, the phone number was in the house. So don't prop the bat up let it lay on the floor. Thanks for all the other tips

angelalois said...

wandering nana, I thought about you and your adventure when I wrote that!!! I heard all about it from Mr. MW himself!

wandering nana said...

My concern is that you live on the 3rd floor and your balcony only has one way out-the door. You are prego and no way can you climb down, then again you are going to the gym so you may be able to climb down. Maybe just be sure you carry your cell phone when you go out on the balcony.

angelalois said...

don't worry, our baseball bat is in a window :) and you be careful!

momnmb said...

Love tha bat idea- our current stick is too short and would allow a super skinny intruder in! By the way, my lawn needs aerateing! Wanna come over and try it?

Heidi said...

LOL! I use knee pads for floor stuff, too (though they're not old volleyball equipment). I'm glad it helped!

(By the way--I didn't know you were pregnant--congratulations!!! How are you feeling??)